
Genuine Imitation is a unique, simple and practical christian teaching program to be a tool for Individuals, Discussion groups, Preachers & Teachers.  

To watch a short introductory video click here.

Jesus has commanded to ‘go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them ..... and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you’ (Matthew 28:19-20).

Our vision is to contribute to the making of disciples of all nations in line with this ‘Great Commission’ of Jesus by teaching Christians in as many countries as possible about all the commands He has directly or indirectly given, through courses for discipleship of various lengths enabling them to become like Him, HIS GENUINE IMITATION (Luke 6:40).



Quality teaching

Our courses have been used and appreciated by the following:

- charismatic elders

- Bible School students

- International leaders

- evangelical pastors